Jesus The Christ Loves you unconditionally. It is time to surrender all and commit your life totally to Jesus!
Inspiration: God has given new insights in the Medical Industry over the centuries, providing healing and allowing people to live longer. Recently, I read that infant mortality dropped significantly a few centuries ago when midwives started washing their hands before each delivery. Jesus is the Healer but we thank God for allowing so many people that did not know about Jesus’ healing power get help from the Medical Hospitals and staff. We thank God for all the medical people and help they do. We thank God for Jesus’ stripes as Jesus is the great Physician and wants all the glory for all healings! Jesus took 39 stripes for our healing! God who gives life and breath, sun and rain, food and water needs to be thanked daily. All talents and abilities come from God so God deserves all the glory!
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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now, heal you now and forgive you now. Worship Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. Trust Him as your Provider!