Jesus The Christ Is Wanting To Speak To You
Inspiration: My prayer at my job was that I would be like Daniel in the Bible who had "God’s excellence" on him. God blessed my work tremendously to the point where one year I was the top employee among seven different cities. God promoted me by blessing my work and letting me produce much for the company. Every year God blessed my work to the extend I was given free vacations in exotic resort places along with the other top performers from my firm. The top salesmen in the entire nation gave a speech at one of these trips and he said "I give all the glory to God". This blessed me since all the non Christians heard it. I started to pray more for my boss, my company, my nation and all those who are in authority over me that they would be protected and make Godly decisions!
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Jesus The Christ Loves You And Died For Your Sins to Give You Everlasting Life