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Inspiration About Jesus Christ And The Holy Bible For November 29, 2021

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Come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness no matter how much you messed up.  Surrender all to God and commit your life totally to Jesus Christ!

Inspiration: I grew up going to church each week but did not know much about Holy Spirit and had no clue what the word anointing meant.  As I started to study the Holy Bible I learned that Holy Spirit is a person, not an it, and is sent by Jesus Christ to be the power source on earth.  Now, I realize that those churches who regularly have healing services where people get healed, operate under the power and anointing of Holy Spirit and have church leaders that listen and obey Holy Spirit’s directions.  Let us pray more to learn more about Holy Spirit and flow with His plans as Holy Spirit will always tell you things that line up with the Holy Bible since God does not contradict Himself!Jesus Christ Is the Light Of The World and Inspiration For All

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Jesus The Christ wants to Save you now.  It is time to repent, regret you sins, get washed clean in Jesus Christ so He can restore you.  Trust Jesus Christ completely!
tags: godliness, holiness

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